Bob Crow


Bob Crow plays the baritone saxophone in the NASA-Ames big band.  Well into his 8th decade, he is rather retired.  However, rather than using idle time to consort with cutthroats, gamblers and thieves, he edits an economics journal, serves on a bank’s board of directors, and keeps his saxophone company in three bands.  He has spent his professional career as an economist, working primarily on transportation and energy issues in the halls of government, the groves of academe, and the burrows of consulting.  For the most part, these endeavors have been terrestrial, a notable exception being an economic feasibility study of the Concorde aircraft while it was still a gleam in European eyes. He is still married to Carolyn, his college sweetheart.  Kevin is the oldest child and is a marketing manager for Intel.  Jennifer is a U.S. diplomat, who will begin a one-year tour in Kabul beginning in September.  Other than playing saxophone, Bob’s pleasures are trekking in the Sierra Nevada mountains, skiing, travel, drinking good (but cheap) wine, and loafing.  He was born and raised in Northern California – especially Sacramento –, is a graduate of Reed College, and holds a Piled Higher and Deeper degree from the University of Pennsylvania.