August 29, 2016 • Blog

NASA Ames Windtunnel

The International Space Orchestra is looking for the best performance site in NASA Ames…! Here is a series of views of the 80 by 120 foot wind tunnel (world’s largest),located at NASA Ames Research Center. You can read more on NASA Ames Aeromechanics department here  and here The 80 by 120 Foot wind tunnel tested […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Ralph Bach

Ralph Bach grew up in suburban New Jersey and graduated from Columbia High School (South Orange) in 1949. In high school Ralph was active in athletics, and played trumpet in the concert band, orchestra, and dance band. He went on to Lehigh University, majoring in electrical engineering, and graduating with a BSEE in 1953. In […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Sheila A.Johnson

Very lucky to have Sheila A.Johnson from NASA outreach team as the International Space Orchestra’s NASA project Manager!

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Annette Rodrigues

Over the course of her 36-year career in aerospace, Annette Rodrigues has left an indelible imprint of accomplishment and service to others. Her wide range of achievements includes training astronauts, helping migrant children, starting her own company and influencing corporate culture. Her demonstrated abilities as an effective organizer, communicator and strategic planner have earned her […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Mike Wilson

Mike Wilson was thrown out of MIT in 1981 with a BS in chemistry. In 1988, he was similarly ejected from UC Berkeley with a PhD in physical chemistry. Having grown craftier (and somewhat heavier set) in the intervening years, he was able to sneak in a postdoc before being shown the door. Subsequently, he […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Veronica Phillips

Veronica Phillips recently joined the ranks of Stinger Gaffarian Technologies, Inc., a NASA contractor, as a technical writer. At SGT, she supports many projects in their infancy by bringing a critical eye to proposals and Space Act Agreement pursuits. When she isn’t staring at the blinking cursor on her computer screen, she enjoys a good […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Al Globus

 Al Globus started as a musician, playing guitar, bass, saxophone and singing around LA, San Francisco and Boston.  He was a music major at UC Santa Cruz and attended Berkeley College of Music for a year.  It’s safe to say Al played every dingy, funky club in a 40 mile radius from anywhere he lived. […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Aleta Hayes

Aleta Hayes is a contemporary dancer, choreographer, performer, and teacher in Stanford Department of Theater and Performance Studies. Before her appointment at Stanford, Ms. Hayes taught for eight years at Princeton University in the Program in Theater and Dance and the Program in African American Studies. While at Princeton, Ms. Hayes developed pedagogically innovative courses […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

BJ Navarro

 BJ Navarro joined NASA Ames Research Center in October 1989. She is a recipient of the prestigious NASA Silver Snoopy, which is awarded by the U. S. Astronauts for outstanding contributions towards space flight safety and mission success. In her career, Ms. Navarro has lead life science space flight projects, provided stowage management on major […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Derek Love

Derek Love is a Equal Employment Specialist for NASA Ames Research Center.  Derek was born in Richmond Virginia. Shortly after graduating high school Derek enlisted in the United States Army. Derek’s military assignments include Babenhausen Germany, Vicenza Italy, Frankfurt Germany, Okinawa Japan, Fort Bragg North Carolina, Fort Hood Texas, Fort Drum New York and The […]