August 29, 2016 • Blog

Paul K. Davis

Paul K. Davis (viola) was born in Kentucky and raised in Indiana.  He earned a Ph.D. in physics from the University of California, Berkeley, using inert gas mass spectroscopy to study meteorites and the moon samples brought back by the Apollo missions.  In industry he has worked on energy conservation simulations, nuclear power safety, and […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Aileen Aniciete

Aileen Aniciete is former operation Lead, NASA Ames research Center. Currently attending Mission College in Santa Clara, California majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Packaging Engineering. Aileen Aniciete works under the guidance of John W. Boyd, Senior Advisor to the Center Director from October 2011 to present.

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Michael A. K. Gross

Michael A. K. Gross works as a software and systems engineer for SOFIA, a 2.5 meter infrared telescope mounted in an open cavity in the aft section of a 747SP airliner. Infrared astronomy involves looking at astronomical objects of “moderate” temperature – cooler than optical stars. Among other things, this allows us to study clouds […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Ted Garbeff

Ted Garbeff is a research engineer at the experimental fluid physics branch at NASA Ames Research Center. His work is focused towards the design of wind tunnel experiments, with an emphasis on model instrumentation and controls. Over the past five years Ted has been involved in several successful wind tunnel tests including: characterizing the aero-acoustics […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

David Roland

Currently a Senior System Administrator for the NAS Supercomputers at NASA Ames Research Center, this is David’s third “tour of duty” at Ames. He was an Aerospace Engineer and came to NASA in 1975 from Douglas Aircraft Company in Long Beach to work in the Aerodynamic Division surface modeling on results presentation as well as […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Vanessa Kuroda

Vanessa Kuroda,seen here taking measurements in the LADEE 10K cleanroom, is an electronics engineer supporting the Lunar Atmosphere Dust Environment Explorer (better known as LADEE) common bus spacecraft project at NASA Ames Research Center, which is set to launch in fall 2013 to orbit the moon, characterize the lunar dust environment, and create the fastest […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Matthew Daigle

Matthew Daigle is a Research Computer Scientist in the Intelligent Systems Division at NASA Ames Research Center. His research focuses on designing intelligent software that enables complex systems, such as cryogenic propellant loading systems, space vehicles, and planetary rovers, to automatically detect, diagnose, and predict failures. Such software enables systems to maintain control, safety, and […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

John Conley

John Conley is a spaceman in training.  After pursuing undergraduate degrees in mechanical engineering and physics at the University of Arkansas, he participated in a series of internships at SpaceX and NASA Ames.  At SpaceX, John worked to build composite fairings for the first commercial launch to the International Space Station.  At the NASA Ames […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Karen C. Bradford

Karen C. Bradford is the Chief of Staff at NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, CA and has served as a civil servant for 24 years.  Serving as Chief of Staff at NASA Ames includes a variety of complex and changing challenges that range from managing VIP visits, national and international, to administering various […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Jorges Cartes+ Timothy Gagnon

Jorges R. Cartes has worked with Timothy Gagnon on mission patches for NASA Flight crews since 2010 I’m 53 years old. Always lived in Madrid, and I’m married to Olga, a Physician like me, and we have a daughter, Monica who is 17. I have only one brother (Ph. too), my father died in 1979 and […]