August 30, 2016 • PressUncategorized

Moon dust Remix

Moon Dust Remix, a new project by Nelly Ben Hayoun at La Gaité Lyrique, Paris, France. On The Creators Project , read more here Words by Pierre Berthelot Kleck Alors qu’il y a quelques mois, le monde perdait un de ses héros en la personne de Neil Armstrong, redécouvrant au passage l’aventure que fut la […]

August 30, 2016 • ExhibitionsPress

The International Space Orchestra in DOMUS

The International Space Orchestra in DOMUS , read full article online As part of Seeking Silicon Valley Exhibition, ZERO1 Biennial, California Interview with curator Jaime Austin,Words by Tracey Ingram Having studied both computer information systems and art history, Jaime Austin has each side covered for her role as lead curator and director of programmes at […]

August 30, 2016 • CollaborationsPress

‘Ground Control: An Opera in Space’ performed live by the International Space Orchestra

The International Space Orchestra in Beyond the Beyond, Wired Words by Bruce Sterling See the full article online here Blending space science, planet-poking and bluegrass-playing spacecraft operators, the world’s first orchestra composed of space scientists – the International Space Orchestra – is coming together to perform Ground Control: An Opera in Space. Inspired by our […]

August 30, 2016 • Press

The International Space Orchestra in Boing Boing

The International Space Orchestra in Boing Boing, words by Jasmina Tesanovic Read the article online on Boing Boing I never dreamed I would be in a NASA base in California, singing and playing music. The Ground Control Opera performance by Nelly Ben Hayoun, presented the International Space Orchestra, 50 local technicians and scientists, playing in […]

August 30, 2016 • BlogPress

The First Ever International Space Orchestra Broadcasts Music To Space

Read Article on The Creators Project here Words by Shahneze Tsouria : Imagine scientists from NASA Ames, Singularity University, International Space University, and the SETI Institutecoming together to form a supergeek orchestra that broadcasts their sounds into deep space… French artist and experience designer Nelly Ben Hayoun imagined it, and she brought it to life. […]

August 30, 2016 • ExhibitionsPressUncategorized

ISO – NASA Ames – ZERO1 Bienniale – USA

Project exhibited September to December 2012 in ZERO1 Bienniale See more pictures on Bruce Sterling’s flickr also here Seeking Silicon Valley Exhibition, San José, CA, USA Join the International Space Orchestra – an assembly of star-spangled space scientists from NASA Ames Research Center, Singularity University, International Space University and the SETI Institute – as they […]

August 30, 2016 • CollaborationsTour

ISO+ Beck

 NOW SOLD OUT The International Space Orchestra – will be coming together to perform with American Singer BECK on 20th May 2013. Blending space science, planet-poking and bluegrass-playing spacecraft operators, the world’s first orchestra composed of space scientists –is about to  lift off  from San Francisco’s Davies Symphony Hall! Come and join us for a […]

August 29, 2016 • BlogCollaborations

Mike Smith

The International Space Orchestra is very honored to have Gorillaz ‘s musical director on board! Mike has arranged Damon Albarn’s composition for Bobby Womack and the International Space Orchestra. A Graduate of Leeds College of Music and Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, Mike has for many years, toured, recorded, arranged and orchestrated […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Rusty Hunt

Rusty plays Bari Sax loudly in the ISO and also tries to sing Bass. On his 49th birthday, Rusty was the NASA Flight Director when the LCROSS team hit the Moon’s South Pole and found buckets and tons of ice in the permanently shadowed Cabeaus crater, re-writing science textbooks and forever changing our understanding of […]

August 29, 2016 • Blog

Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom

Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom, VP, Operations, Singularity University Emeline has degrees in Physics, and Earth and Space Science, and attended the ISU summer program as a student in Strasbourg, France. She has been involved with the International Space University for 20 years serving as full time and volunteer staff for nine ISU summer programs around the world in […]